Friday, June 20, 2008

Update on the summer

I have been busy with school work and crafts this summer. Because I am not traveling as much, I've been working on a lot of reading and ballet. Also, I go to swim classes twice a week.

Yesterday I worked on a shadow box for the seashells I found in Grand Cayman. I think it turned out really well, and now it is hanging in my room.

I don't have too many big trips planned, next weekend I might go to the cabin, but I don't know. Mama and Daddy are going to NYC to see their friend Ben, but they say it is an adult vacation. Poop.

Also Daddy is going to Japan in late July, and I'm begging and begging him to go. Mama has been helping me, but Daddy says no. Darn it, I really wanted to go to Japan.

Well Sophia just called, I think we are going to go to the pool! Bye!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I hope your dad changes his mind, Violet! If you go to Japan maybe you can use the coupon from that Japanese toy store I gave you when you visited! Tell him it's going to expire if you don't use it pretty soon. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Violet,can you tell me how to make a shadow box?